Know the Savior.
Be the community.

Who we are

Savior Community Church is a church plant and growing family where worship permeates our lives and we exercise our faith in embracing each other's brokenness, as we unswervingly obey the sound teaching of God's Word and the example of Christ's love.
Read our constitution

Worship the Savior with us



Including nursery, elementary, and youth ministries

Our service is held indoors as well as streaming online through YouTube. Our mid-week discipleship groups gather in person.

Tune in with us live at 11:15 am

Beatty Middle School
8201 Country Club Dr
Buena Park, CA 90621

Worship the Savior with us

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will be meeting virtually on Sundays until it's safer to gather together in person. Our mid-week discipleship groups will be held through video chat calls.

Tune in with us live at 11:15 am

Fellowship in our post-service Zoom rooms

Each room is open to all and has a specific focus. You can jump into any/all of them after service as you wish.

ROOM 1 - Sermon Discussion
Have questions about the sermon or want to share and hear what the Spirit stirred within us? Rand will be available to answer any questions. ID#: 606 150 711
Password: savior

ROOM 2 - Hangout
Want to catch up with others and talk about anything? This is the place to be. ID#: 954 083 690
Password: savior

ROOM 3 - Prayer
If you have a prayer request we would love to pray with you! Show up if you want to pray for others as well. ID#: 890 800 863
Password: savior

Latest sermon

Current sermon series

Discipleship groups

We gather mid-week to worship, fellowship, confess and pray with one another in smaller groups to live out Jesus’ commands in Hebrews 10:23-25.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
If you are interested in joining a Discipleship Group (DG), please contact Jon at


Buena Park - 7:30pm

Fullerton - 7pm


Brea - 7:30pm


Chino Hills - 7:30pm

Irvine - 7pm


Brea - 7pm


Being connected to a local body of believers is a biblical principle for every believer. Before committing to formal membership, we believe that it's in your best interest to be a regular participant of a discipleship group for a minimum of 3 months to experience God's design for every believer to fellowship consistently and intimately with one another.

Every member at Savior Community Church has committed to each of the items in the Membership Covenant. You are welcome to take a look to see what we covenant or promise to the Lord and to one another to live out.

After 3 months in discipleship group, if you're interested in becoming a member please sign up with the form below to get more information. You can also reach out to Jon at for any questions.